Coffee Talk: A Year in Transition

For those of you new here, I wrote a book a little over a year ago called Coffee Talk. 

The book started as an IG story series called Coffee Talk. I would wake up, journal, and embrace reflections while having my morning coffee. Then, I would snap a lovely pic of myself to post with a summary of my reflections and/or questions as an IG story. And yes, at that time, it was always an IG story. 

Coffee Talk started as a way for me to really dig into and suck the marrow out of these big life changes that were happening all at the same time- a big break up, moving from CA to TX after living in Los Angeles for 13 years, leaving a business I helped to build from the ground up, saying goodbye to friends that had become family, and closing the chapter of my life in Los Angeles. It shook me at my core, and I’m so grateful I made time daily to write, cry, laugh, and grow. 

Coffee Talk: A Year in Transition is a collection of 40 of my favorites after posting to IG stories for a year straight. It’s a simple, yet effective way to get conversations started with yourself and/or others. 

Perhaps give someone the gift of Coffee Talk for Christmas or purchase an extra copy to bring to a holiday dinner. It’s time for us, as a collective, to go deeper. Use this book as a conversation starter. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE or find it in the shop.

Thank you so much for your continued support! 

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Lindsey Mathews