How I'm Navigating a Business Partnership When Values are in Question


I’m currently in the middle of reviewing a company that my company BIRTHFIT is partnered with. I have loved the brand for an incredibly long time. I have grown with the brand. My company has grown with the brand. This particular brand has supported the evolution of BIRTHFIT through some of its most unstable big steps.  

However, this brand crossed a huge line in the sand for me—the value of freedom, specifically medical freedom. They have recently mandated the jab for their employees, with room for exemption. To say I’m surprised, disappointed, and just really bummed out about it is an understatement. 

I’ve been in constant communication with this company. And for now, we will not be promoting them over on BIRTHFIT. If you know the brand I speak of, I’d strongly encourage you to communicate your opinions to them directly. I know they have a loyal fan base. And, as a business owner, I know the importance of listening to feedback from your community. What I’m surprised about the most is that they will research ingredients, extensive testing of products, and even manufacture in the USA, but will not investigate injections and/or big pharma. Look up where majority of big pharma products are made ( 🧐 China) and the ingredients along with side effects. Side note, you may need to use an alternative search engine. 

 With that, I encourage you to look at all companies and people you do business with. From your bookkeeping to your local coffee shop to the band or ring you wear on your arm…look up and investigate all company and business policies. I’d also look up where most of their products are made and/or sourced. To me, American made and sourced is a big priority because that means jobs and money stay in America.  

If you’re going to cancel one company because someone on social media did, please make sure you hold that same standard across the board.

It’s simple, not easy.

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Lindsey Mathews