Do you want kids?
One of the questions that I get in almost every initial conversation with a new person is…
“Why don’t you have kids?” or “Do you want kids?” or “What about kids?”
Before we go any further, let me start by saying that this is none of your business. And who are you to ask any woman this question? Would you ask a man this question? When my ex and I broke up and parted ways, the number one question I got was, “Oh my gosh, what about kids?”. It was not, “How are you?” even though that should have been the first question. My ex and I are still good friends, and he certainly did not get a one of those questions. Yes, for all of you that asked me that question I sure did flip you off in my head.
So here’s my public statement:
I love and respect the mother archetype. I have a career dedicated to empowering and educating mothers. My grandmothers, my mother, and aunts are some of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. And at this moment, I am living out my calling which includes my expression of the mother archetype that may look a little different compared to something you’ve imagined because of your current belief system. I have always followed my intuition and believed in a higher power. I serve outside the traditional societal boundaries. I trust the truth in my heart and will always follow my own inner compass. I love my life and I’m grateful for my life every day.
If the opportunity presents itself for me to put the mother hat on in the traditional way you may be thinking of, then I will, and I will show up raw, vulnerable, and courageous to surrender to my higher power. Just like I’ve witnessed in my maternal lineage and in all my clients and patients. However, I am embracing and loving my current expression of being a mother, which includes caring for and supporting many humans, my cat, and my plant babies.
Believe me, every woman is aware of her biological clock. If you’ve never checked out my company BIRTHFIT now would be a great time. Thank you for asking as I know you only asked from a place of caring and concern. Yet, word to this wise, I would not recommend asking a woman that question again. Time to evolve just a bit.